Seamless Gutter Mastermind Group

Looking for inspiration? Need guidance? Want to give back? RGA mastermind groups are a guided forum where you can connect with other gutter company owners in a supportive environment.
Welcome to the team, entrepreneur.

Connect with your peers

Our twice-monthly RGA Mastermind Group for gutter company owners are designed to facilitate group discussion, growth, and mutual success. 


Each meeting covers one aspect of running a gutter company. Whether we're talking about sales, marketing, hiring, or something else, you'll always be learning.


RGA facilitators keep the discussion moving with prepared questions.


Participants bring documents, best practices, and practical advice to meetings.

Authentic support

RGA Mastermind groups aren't about promoting a business, selling services, or building a following. RGA mastermind groups are:


An RGA administrator attends every session to ensure agreed-upon rules are followed.


Members drive the discussion by sharing best practices, lessons learned the hard way, and what has (and hasn't) worked for them.


All participants agree to be an open book and a positive influence on other members.

Join Our Mastermind Discussion on Safety Protocols and Accident Prevention on September 25th, 2024.

Learn how other RGA members create a culture of safety at their businesses. Become an RGA member today to learn more and secure your invitation.
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