Network. Collaborate. Learn. Inspire.

Our twice-monthly RGA Mastermind Group for gutter company owners are designed to facilitate group discussion, growth, and mutual success. Watch the most recent below.

Our next mastermind group session is September 25th at 11AM EST. Our topic will be accident prevention, safety. and OSHA compliance.

This session is only available to company admins.

Looking for your invite? Email

RGA Mastermind #5: Payroll & Compensation

Learn how association members compensate their team and manage their payroll.
Write your awesome label here.

Mastermind Group Rules

RGA sessions are a guided forum designed to facilitate positive discussion. So, there are some rules.

No selling

RGA mastermind sessions are not a platform for selling products or services.

Respect each other

The RGA is all about the success of our members. Even if a competitor is the session, be a positive influence on their business and leadership. There's plenty of business to go around.

Be an open book

From company numbers to doubts, failures, or setbacks, be open and honest about your struggles and successes in the gutter business.

Bring something to share

Whether it's policy you've developed, a document, a certain way of doing things, (or even a guest speaker), bring something of meaningful value to the discussion.

Be mindful

Don't talk over each other, interrupt another member, or dominate the discussion. We're all equal in the RGA mastermind group.

Don't be a wallflower

Participate! Ask questions and contribute to the discussion.
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